Training Calendar

Since 1978, NW3C has empowered criminal justice professionals worldwide by providing expert training and technical assistance focusing on economic and high-tech crime, criminal intelligence, and legal strategies.

Training Impact: 2024 at a Glance




See What People Are Saying

Franklin Co. Sheriff's Office

This NW3C training is especially beneficial for small/poorly funded law enforcement departments. It has been great to be able to attend these training courses being on a department with a small travel/training budget.

Lakeland Police Department

NW3C consistently offers incredibly high-quality instruction and some of the best training available. Almost every instructor we've had and almost every course we've taken have been highly praised by attendees. It has a very positive influence on our work, and it is great to have such high caliber offerings available at no cost.

Gahanna Police Department

NW3C provides valuable training to our forensic investigators, new and experienced. It would be hard for us to duplicate the ground-up training provided by NW3C. It would also be incredibly expensive. You all are an invaluable asset to the forensic community.

Train in High-Demand Topic Areas


We offer industry-leading training on topics including high-tech crime, criminal intelligence, economic crime, and legal considerations. Access our growing library of training available in different modalities to best fit your training needs.


Check out over 300 free resources to help you solve your investigations! We provide a wide variety of legal guides, cyber alerts, cryptocurrency resources, law enforcement tools, and more.


Take charge of your future by earning an NW3C certification. Using a unique point system, NW3C awards certification based on your work experience, education, and training.


We provide free technical assistance to law enforcement and regulatory agencies! NW3C subject matter experts are available on and off-site to assist you in your investigations.

About NW3C

Who we are

Our talented staff is what makes
us great. Meet our team.

What we do

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and what we offer.

Why we serve

Discover how our training is making
an impact on agencies nationwide.